The tipping point for renewable energy is still in the future

The tipping point for renewable energy is still in the future

[Feb. 2018] In the 2017 survey of 800 professionals working in the renewables field, Lloyd‘s Register found that a majority of professionals believe renewables won’t become the dominant source of energy until at least 2025.

As a recent article in Power Engineering International, “A ‘reality check’ for renewables”, summaries the study of Lloyd‘s Register, earlier optimistic predictions about a ‘tipping point’ when renewables will become the dominant global source of energy have received a “reality check” from new research.

One of the main findings of the Technology Radar 2018: Renewable Energy is that a decisive tilt in the energy balance will take longer. Renewable sources are expected to surpass fossil fuels in countries’ energy mixes first in Europe and North America (by 2025), in the Middle East by 2028, and in Asia Pacific and Africa in 2033 or later.